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A Case Study on Place-based Impact in Tulsa

July 18, 2024

Tulsa’s vibrant neighborhoods and parks showcase the power of community-focused placemaking efforts.

The social impact and leadership program NationSwell visited Tulsa to get a firsthand look at the ways GKFF and local programs are helping communities thrive. 

The in-depth exploration of Tulsa spans from community-led initiatives in east Tulsa — a hub for Tulsa’s Latino and Asian populations — to neighborhood developments in Kendall-Whittier. The piece highlights how GKFF emphasizes community-led and research-backed strategy, builds local trust, collaborates across sectors and takes a holistic approach to making a measurable impact.

Our focus on supporting partners and initiatives that recognize and work with community needs, their culture and needs is exemplified throughout the study. Whether it's building college to career pipelines in neighborhoods to disrupt cycles of poverty or funding mixed-income housing — GKFF’s community involvement is evident at every turn.


Highlights of the study include a look at initiatives that are:

  • Creating robust and inclusive public spaces for communities to gather
  • Providing support and resources to expand early-childhood education for children and families from low-income background
  • Developing Tulsa’s economy and fostering the development of local businesses 
  • Strengthening neighborhoods in partnership with local organizations

See more about NationSwell’s visit to Tulsa.


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You see a lot more change when you make targeted investments in a neighborhood — the people that live there can feel the actual cumulative effects in their lifetimes, and that has direct implications for life expectancy gaps.
Luisa Krug
Executive Director of the Tulsa Global District
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