Kendall Whittier

Strong Neighborhoods
  • 209%
    increase in number of Latinos with a bachelor's degree.
  • 550
    units of high quality, mixed-income housing have been built since investments in the neighborhood began.
  • 81%
    of students in neighborhood schools have improved their grades or test scores after receiving access to education and other support.

Bringing back Kendall Whittier

A safe and stable home environment is foundational to creating opportunity for children in low-income neighborhoods.

Creating conditions for success

For years, Kendall Whittier was in economic and environmental decline. Before neighborhood revitalization efforts began, no new homes or apartments were constructed. Opportunities were limited until new immigrants moved in, bringing stability to the neighborhood that inspired progress.

Since then, residents, GKFF and public-private partners have collaborated to strengthen the neighborhood and create opportunities for growth.

Our approach

Inspired by the national success of New York’s Harlem Children’s Zone and other leading-edge efforts to break the cycle of poverty for children, GKFF focuses on creating a birth-to-college-to-career pipeline in the Kendall Whittier neighborhood.

What we support

Our support includes Growing Together — a community-led initiative  developing  mixed-income housing designed to elevate community vitality and create new opportunities for its children. 

Alongside our community partners, GKFF supports initiatives that:

Neighborhood programs we support

Our Team

Josh Miller

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