Oklahoma has the fourth highest rate of female incarceration, imprisoning more women per capita than any other state in the U.S. at a rate of 108 per 100,000. The consequences of incarceration and familial separation are devastating for both mothers and their children. In many cases, prison is not cost-effective, does not enhance public safety, fails to promote true rehabilitation and places children at far greater risk of entering the criminal justice system. GKFF® invests in initiatives to reduce the number of people sent to prison by offering alternatives to incarceration, targeted family support and advocacy efforts.

In any given year, Oklahoma’s rate of female incarceration is double the U.S. average.

More than 22,000 Oklahoma children have a parent in prison.

Women are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. prison population.


Incarceration has long-reaching effects beyond the incarcerated individual. GKFF supports programs that break the cycle of incarceration to reduce the negative impact on Oklahoma families and communities.


Women in Recovery (WIR) is an evidence-based alternative to incarceration program for women facing significant prison sentences in Tulsa County. The program, operated by Family and Children’s Services, offers more than a year of gender-specific, trauma-informed mental health and substance abuse treatment and comprehensive employment and family reunification services. WIR provides participants with an opportunity to successfully return to their families and communities. WIR has helped nearly 700 women and more than 1,400 children since 2009.


Still She Rises is the first public defender office in the country dedicated to the representation of mothers in the criminal justice system. Every Still She Rises client represented has access to an interdisciplinary team of attorneys, social workers, legal advocates and investigators committed to fighting by her side to keep her family together and rebuild her life.


Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) is a statewide program that provides employment services to people with recent criminal convictions. Through life-skills education, transitional work, job placement and retention services, CEO helps participants develop behaviors and skills necessary to enter the workforce. CEO helps to create stability for participants and their families.


The Bail Project is a revolving bail fund designed to combat mass incarceration by paying bail for low-income Americans on an unprecedented scale. Building on a decade of experience operating a community bail fund in the Bronx, The Bail Project is working with local partners to establish 40 sites across the U.S. over the next five years and advance reforms that end pretrial incarceration. Partners include Tulsa-based Still She Rises. For services please contact The Bail Project directly at Tulsa@bailproject.org or dial (323) 366-0799 followed by option 1 and then option 5 to leave a voicemail.



Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform (OCJR) is a coalition of business and community leaders, law enforcement experts and advocates across the state working with legislators to create a fair and fiscally responsible criminal justice system. The coalition is committed to passing reforms in Oklahoma that will safely reduce Oklahoma’s prison population, save taxpayer dollars, reinvest in alternatives and keep families together.